Mar 26, 2008

Semantic Web Pattern

Shorter Alex Iskold:

Introduction: The Semantic Web means lots of things to lots of people, but it's important and real!
  1. Top-down approaches to semantic extraction (e.g. Google) are very successful and hard to compete with, but bottom-up approaches are possible now!
  2. RDF, Microformats, and meta-headers are used in narrow or limited applications, but we have choices!
  3. No one has a compelling killer app for the Semantic Web, but enterprises will buy anything that sounds good!
  4. APIs are available, so someone will build something cool any day now!
  5. Semantic search progress is practically non-existant, but a lot of people are trying!
  6. Since semantic search is a bust, more focused guess...I mean Semantic Extraction looks promising!
  7. Semantic databases are not production-ready yet and don't scale, but people are really working hard on the infrastructure to be ready when they take off!
Conclusion: The Semantic Web was promised to be just around the corner a decade ago, but we're just in the early stages and it holds such promise and is just around the corner!

Yes, I see a pattern...

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